
Scrub-a-dub-dub… There’s Poop in the Tub!

One of my all-time favorite memories with my children actually came from a time that I wasn’t actually physically with them. I was in Florida, on a trip for work, leaving Aaron at home with the kids. We only had Elliott and Camden at the time. I was pregnant with Liam and enjoying the time away, even if it was to learn about blood, guts, and gore.  

If you are familiar, Aaron travels quite a bit for work. He was making international trips several times a year; leaving me to manage day-to-day operations at the mothership. As much as I know if was difficult to manage the children, work, and home on my own, I also understand that Aaron experienced his own struggles being away from the kids for so long. I was actually very excited to see how my trip allowed us to switch roles for the week. 

We Facetimed every night I was away. Sometimes it was while they were eating dinner, sometimes while they were running laps around the house. This particular night I caught them while they were doing nighttime baths. Aaron was bathing Camden and Elliott together which was pretty typical. To the kids, bath time was less about daily hygiene and more about an adventure amongst two friends looking to create chaos. 

Things seemed to be going well. Aaron had everything under control. Both kids were happy in the tub full of Mr. Bubbles. Aaron and I were chatting until we heard a comment between the squeals, it was Camden: “Dad, what’s that?” I saw Aaron look into the tub and immediately respond, “Oh my God, it’s poop! Who pooped?” By this time, I’m no longer looking at the kids. I’m now looking at the ceiling light. I’m assuming Aaron put me (or the phone) down on the floor. I can’t see much but by the sound of the madness, I know exactly what is happening. Aaron grabbed Camden out of the tub and directly onto the bathroom floor. Next is Elliott. I see body parts fly in and out of my view through the phone screen and I can’t help but laugh. I’m laughing because this has NEVER happened to us before. I’ve heard the stories of children pooping in the tub but I’ve never actually experienced it first hand and now, I get to watch from afar, in my nice cozy bed, in my warm hotel room, behind a dry and secure phone screen. 

I can still hear the excitement as Aaron is trying to 1. Figure out where the poop came from- Elliott. Mystery solved. Aaron wipes her up and she is clean. 2-Figure out how to get the kids out of the room. I’m giving him directions from the bathroom floor: stick them in the walk-in shower and spray them down. Dry them. Dress them. Get them out of the room. 3- Figure out how to clean the tub. This is the fun part because the tub is still full of bubbles and endless toys, all now in the company of my daughter’s business. Aaron was able to tame the bubbles to obtain a better visual of the environment. I’ve been moved to the vanity counter now; perfect seat to enjoy the rest of the show. 

Aaron was able to evacuate all bubbles and toys. Now came the question I had been waiting for: “Now what do I do with the poop?” I continued on with explaining to Aaron that there was no way the poop was going down the drain. It must come out of the tub. I explained that he must get some toilet paper, grab the poop, and transfer the poo to the toilet. This was amazing to watch. There’s nothing like witnessing a grown man whine and squeal while cleaning a tub. It was hilarious. I witnessed him scoop the business and spin towards the toilet to deliver the goods in the quickest, most graceful twirl I have ever seen. He was determined to get the job done and end the night. 

This definitely made my night, made my year, and is still one of my favorite memories with my husband and kids. And I wasn’t even there! I don’t know how it happened on a night that I was out of town. Aaron won an award that night. A poop tossing award.  

One Comment

  • Jenny Litterer

    OMG, Kelsey!!! This made my night! It was a long and stressful day and envisioning Aaron, with his horror-stricken eyes, really made me laugh.

    This blog is such a great idea! We all have those crazy stories in life, but this will help you remember them…and share with your kids when they’re older. 🙂