
Let’s start this off on a completely honest note. The thought of starting a blog makes me anxious, nervous, excited, and nauseous all at the same time. This blog is in no way an advice column. God knows I am not in a position to give anyone advice on any topics. This is truly an outlet for me to express my kids’ one-liners, silly stories, and sassy thoughts on all things running thought my head. It’s an opportunity for my introverted self to document my successes, opportunities, and failures; hopefully with a little laughter along the way. 

A little about myself-

I’m the momma of three little kiddos, all under the age of three and one loveable fur-baby. Being a mother has been the most challenging and rewarding job I could ever imagine. There are so many things that happen that no other person can every prepare your for. I lose my cool every day but also spend so much time laughing with my little humans. I guess it evens itself out. I have experienced life as a working mother and a stay-at-home mom. My conclusion is that being a mother is just plain hard. There are times that I know that I’m way under-qualified with this parenting thing, but my kids don’t know it. If I’m fooling them, I’m calling it success. 

My husband and I have been married for seven years. We are high school sweethearts which still makes me laugh every day. How the hell did we get here after all these years? We have been through so many challenges yet I still know we are completely blessed to have the life we do. As cliché as it is, he is truly my best friend. He lets me be a kid around him. He puts up with my crap and tries to throw a little love in there too. He’s a good man.

I’m a nurse. I’ve worked in all sorts of nursing- med/surg, oncology, management. Nursing has been my life-long dream, and people pay me to do it- call it a win! While the world of healthcare can be exhausting, it is often so rewarding. I love the fact that I have an impact on multiple lives every day. It also makes for great stories around the dinner table. I’m currently finishing up my Master’s. Only a few more months endless papers and presentations in perfect APA format! Halle-freaking-llejah! 

I’m from a small town in Iowa. I know that my upbringing, my family, and my community have shaped me into the person I am today- both the good and the bad! My “core” people have gotten me through everything in my life. I am so thankful for them every single day. I hope the feelings are mutual! 

Now future state- my life has changed drastically in the past few months. My little army has jumped in headfirst to a new adventure. As my husband says, “we never want to be bored”- and bored, we are not. My husband’s job as brought us to northern California. It has tipped me over and poured me out as I am now a (temporary) stay-at-home mother. I manage children instead of physicians. I now see palm trees instead of snow. I pay $4.19 for a gallon of gas. Life is different, but a good different. Stay tuned for updates from the west coast! 

This is the shortest version of “Kelsey 101” that I could come up with. I think it sets a good foundation for what I want to document going forward- life challenges, parenting successes, and nonsense jabber that comes along the way. I am so excited to start this. If I’m being perfectly honest, I’m tearing up knowing how long I have wanted to do this. I’m hoping it’s a mental “out” that I can maintain for my sanity and your own entertainment. My grandma always told me that I was born with the gift of gab… Here we go!